ASCII Objekt-Reference 



Screen page "Position Data" 

For each one of the positioning tasks you must define motion tasks. These motion tasks can be selected by a motion task number, and are stored in the servo amplifier. 

Motion task 

Stored in 

Precondition for storing 




output stage disabled 

permanently stored 




volatile storage 

When the servo amplifier is switched on, the RAM motion blocks 192...255 are automatically pre-loaded with the parameters of the EEPROM motion blocks 1...64.


Entry of a motion task number, to start the motion task from the PC.

Motion task table 

A new window appears, in which all motion tasks are represented in tabular form. 

All motion task parameters can be entered in the table directly. The following operations are available: 

The clipboard operations cut, copy and paste are only possible for complete rows, i.e. for these operations the appropriate row must be selected. The deletion is possible both, row- and cellwise. A line can be selected either by clicking on the row number, or through the keyboard shortcuts <Shitft>+<Space> (similar to Microsoft Excel). All Edit operations are available through the Windows standard keyboard shortcuts. 

Input via the screen page"Motion task parameters":  

Double-clicking a line number in the table opens the screen page for the associated motion task. The use of the dialogue "Motion task parameters" in relation to older versions of the software changed concerning the buttons "OK", and "Cancel".Compared to older versions of the software, the functions of the buttons "OK" and "APPLY" have changed. By clicking these buttons, the changes are no longer saved to the flash EEPROM but the values in the associated table are changed instead. Writing the changes to the EEPROM is possible with the buttons "OK" or "APPLY" on the screen page "Motion task table"



Default: - 

valid for OPMODE 8 

Start the motion task that has the number that can be seen in the NUMBER field. The amplifier must be enabled (input X3/15 has a High signal). 


The SW-enable is automatically set when the motion task starts. The motion task is only started in OPMODE8. However, the SW-enable is set in all OPMODES. The drive can therefore be accelerated by an analog setpoint that is applied, if the START command is executed in OPMODES 1 or 3.
The motion task is not started if the target position is beyond the defined SW-limit switches (warning messages n06/n07 and n08) 



Default: - 

valid for OPMODE 8 

Stops the current motion task. The SW-enable remains set! 

Axis type 


Default: 0 

valid for OPMODE 8 

Here you select whether the axis is to be operated as a linear or a rotary axis.



Default: 100 

valid for OPMODE 8 

This parameter is used to adjust the maximum speed of movement to suit the limits of the operative machinery. The calculation of the upper setting limit depends on the final limit speed of the drive. The value that is entered is used as a limit for the "v_setp" entry in the motion tasks. During commissioning, you can limit the speed by using v_max (without changing the setting for the motion blocks). A lower value of v_max overrides the v_setp of the motion tasks.

t_acc/dec_min / a max 


Default: 1 ms 

valid for OPMODE 8 

A drive is always so dimensioned that it can provide more power than the application requires. This parameter determines the limit for the maximum mechanical acceleration time to v_max, that must not be exceeded by the drive. This time is simultaneously valid as the minimum limit for the entry "t_accel_tot" (acceleration time from 0 to v_setp) and "t_brake_tot" (braking time from v_setp down to 0) for the motion tasks.
Depending on the setting of acceleration unit you can enter either the acceleration time or the acceleration in the dimensional unit that has been selected.



Default: 4000 

valid for OPMODES 4,5,8 

Sets the InPosition window. Determines at which distance from the set position the "InPosition" message should be reported. The drive moves precisely to the target position.



Default : -231 

valid for OPMODES 4,5,8 

This parameter is used to define the start of the range of movement for a modulo axis.
The end of the range is defined by the parameter Modulo-End-Pos. 



Default : 231-1 

valid for OPMODES 4,5,8 

This parameter is used to define the end of the range of movement for a modulo axis.
The start of the range is defined by the parameter Modulo-Start-Pos. 

Position register 

A programmable register that can have various functions assigned to it.
Make changes only while the amplifier is disabled + reset. 

SW limit-switches 1 / 2 

The software limit-switches from part of the monitoring functions of the position controller. 

SW limit-switch 1 

The monitoring checks whether the actual position value is lower than the preset value (the negative direction of travel is now inhibited – You have to leave limit-switch 1 by moving in the positive direction. ). 

SW limit-switch 2 

The monitoring checks whether the actual position value is higher than the preset value (the positive direction of travel is now inhibited – You have to leave limit-switch 1 by moving in the negative direction.) 

The drive brakes with the emergency ramp, and remains at standstill under torque.
The principle of positioning the software limit-switch can be seen in the diagram below: 



MA1    : Machine stop, left
HE1    : Hardware limit-switch, left
NI    : Zero pulse initiator (reference)
SE1    : Software limit-switch 1
SE2    : Software limit-switch 2
HE2    : Hardware limit-switch right
MA2    : Machine stop right
+    : Positive count direction
-    : Negative count direction 

ASCII: SWCNFG (set, bit variable) 

Default: 0 

valid for all OPMODES 

ASCII: (position)

Default: 0 

valid for all OPMODES 

Configuration variables for the position register. SWCNFG is a binary-coded bit-variable, and is transferred to the ASCII terminal program as a decimal number. 


ASCII: PGEARI (numerator) 

Default: 10000 

valid for OPMODE 8 

ASCII: PGEARO  (denominator) 

Default: 1 

valid for OPMODE 8 

The entry for the resolution of the motion tasks is in µm/Revolution. The resolution can be defined at will, through the entries for the numerator/denominator.
Make changes only while the amplifier is disabled + reset.
    An entry of 10000/1 produces a resolution of 10 mm/turn
    An entry of 10000/3 produces a resolution of 3.333 mm/turn
    Rotary table with geared motor, i = 31 (31 motor turns for one turn of the table)
    – The entry 360/31 provides operation with position entries in degrees, without rounding off. 

The maximum range of movement is limited to +/- 2047 motor turns. If a larger range (+/- 32767) is required, please consult our applications department.


Opens the graphical motion tasking.
Graphical motion tasking is an advanced feature that lets you easily edit motion tasks with its graphical interface. You can command multiple motions, process I/O, make decisions, add time delays and modify drive process variables. The environment is easy to use, allowing you to program in an intuitive flow-chart.
Motion tasking has been supported by the amplifier since the product was introduced in 1998. In its original form, motion tasking supported only chained moves in sequences executed either once or in infinite loops. Graphical motion tasking extends the capabilities of moiton tasking by adding looping, comparing (<, =, >, etc.), calling functions and setting process variables.